Monday, August 11, 2008


Please note the following when applying for a clan:
You will need to meet the required level specified when applying for the clan, whereas special cases may occur if you talk to the CLAN CHIEF directly.
Required level to apply for clan may change from CLAN CHIEF decision.
For clans that are CLOSED TO PUBLIC, please talk to the respectitive CLAN CHIEF to apply.

The following causes will have your clan not listed here:
- Clan which has a bad reputation,
- Clan with members who hack, scam, or any form of cheating(Please remove the clan member performing of the illegal acts),
- Clan that was already disband.
- Newly formed clans please submit your clan information to Your clan must have at least 20 members to be eligible for display.
- To avoid misleading players from applying passe/inactive clans, these clans have been remove in our database. ONLY active clans will be listed here.

Level 8x or above
Photobucket Conquer by bearhug03
Photobucket Immortal by mel_rocks
Photobucket OHxR3BIRTH by woepsie
Photobucket PhoeniX by dash
Photobucket Supernova by Ringo
Photobucket Synced by SpArOw[Fr]

Level 7x or above
Photobucket ALL41v14ALL by Perra_Tula_Rlz
Photobucket Cookiep0wnrZ by Bunnywunnyja
Photobucket Elysium by Falara
Photobucket HigherCallin by thc4me
Photobucket iNfam0us by Flickarus
Photobucket SaWadDee by SAWADEE
Photobucket Summoning by Haryel

Level 6x or above
Photobucket FrIeNds by [HMX]
Photobucket Unity by hwk

Closed to Public
Photobucket ]PTrenewal[ by novasky
Photobucket MagicRainbow by Annaliiz


  1. Illusions clan was deleted...

  2. True
    Illusions is now mix with FlowerPower
    And, there's no lvl restriction

    crisik > it was a very fast decision... too fast, even for me... sorry for that...

  3. By the way, the Leader is oooTINAooo

  4. Watch for Swervy of Galantia if plan on joining DRAMA MONGERER. He can get you kicked.

  5. TeamAwesome is a 6x+ clan

  6. can anyone do a new lan list ? this is so so so old -_______-


  7. can anyone do a new lan list ? this is so so so old. yohualli

  8. plz add: AzTeKaZ

    have 8x and more

  9. Sawadee clan no longer exists...
    Elysium was changed to Eternal by Falara - 8x clan, Aztekaz 8x clan.

  10. Add AzTeKaZ 8x+ ATT: Manthoi 9x pike Yo Hablo Español Algun Problema No Los Entiendo No Se Hablar Ingles XD No Los Entiendo Aprendan A Hablar Español Tambien!!! Add AzTeKaZ Plz Clan 8x+!!!! xD

  11. PLZ add conquest under 8x

  12. All this clans were deleted.Tis list is so old

  13. there is a clan called pandaline,
    my cous made a clan called Sacred Nature and there is a clan all Slayers too

  14. Falara is a Pornstar now

  15. I miss Immortal. They were the best pair of friends I had when I was young.


    (Discord: Araxie#1240)
