25 Feb 2009 As compensation for some of the rollbacks, another experience event will take place over the weekend. Valento and Awell will have double experience. Players on Midranda will have a x4 experience, with more to come if well received.
25 Feb 2009 Experience Events begin on Friday Feburary 27 at 12 PM EST and end on Monday March 2nd at 12 PM EST.
21 Feb 2009 Do not buy gold from private websites anymore. Look to see who got banned here: http://www.subagames.com/blocked_list.aspx
14 Feb 2009 Bless Castle new times.
Midranda: Saturdays 11 AM PHT (Fridays 10 PM EST)
Valento: Saturdays 11 AM EST
Awell: Saturdays 5 PM EST
13 Feb 2009 A Week of Valentines. Starting today, players can find Dark Chocolates and Milk Chocolates while fighting monsters. Dark Chocolates can only be picked up by males characters to give out to female characters to eat. Milk Chocolates can only be picked up by female characters to give out to male characters to eat. Chocolates when eaten give players Virtual Life at level 10!
This year we introduce the Couple's Ring for as second simultaneous drop event. The Couple's Ring helps to bring you closer to your loved one. Similar to the union core, but without any clan restrictions, you can teleport to another player of the opposite gender. To use the this item, you'll need at least one Couple's Ring in your character's inventory. Type into chat: /couple
experience rate will be 50% more than usual.
All events will end on Monday Feburary 23rd at 12 PM EST.
12 Feb 2009 Using Ctrl + Home at Bless Castle will be disabled.
10 Feb 2009 Players experiencing difficulty updating automatically after maintenance can download latest patch (version 3120) here: http://pt1.subagames.com/download_client.aspx
02 Feb 2009 Midranda server is OK now. Level 102 armor can be equip without getting D/C. Clan bug is fixed too!
30 Jan 2009 Sheltom Weekend Event! The residents of Priston have 3 days to hunt down Morif. Please bring him back alive! The warrent goes out to all servers, starting on Friday January 30th at 4 PM EST and ending on Monday Febuary 2nd at 4 PM EST.
29 Jan 2009 Midranda server is still bugged. Players wearing level 102 armor will get instant D/C upon log in. To solve this, the instant when you log in, un-equip your 102 armor and put it in your inventory, before you get D/C. After that, re-log and you will be fine. (Only level 102 armor is bugged)
27 Jan 2009 GM Light warns all pinoy players that selling of characters is not acceptable under the law of Subagames.
17 Jan 2009 Philippines Move: Part 2. The Midranda server will be opening shortly.
A patch will be made available at http://pt1.subagames.com/download_client.aspx when the server opens.
To connect to the server, PTP players can simply use their usual Login ID and Password in the game. However, if your Login ID is in conflict with an existing one at SubaGames.com, then please prefix your login name with “phi_”. For example if your login ID was “Mario64” and you also made a SUBA account “Mario64” it will now be changed to “phi_Mario64”. A function on My Account page will be available in the future for users to change their Login ID to someone more desirable.
High level players on Midrando server wearing Level 102 armours will be blocked from the server. This will be fixed shortly.
16 Jan 2009 BC Tax Restitution. Bless Castle winners will receive 15 million gold per week to their clan leaders. Those who are eligible for the winnings need simply zip over to the nearest Item Distributor to claim their loot. If you have not received your winnings by the end of day Tuesday, please submit a support request.
15 Jan 2009 Suba Games announced Phillippines Move: Part 1. The server opening time is expected to happen tomorrow around noon (Eastern Time). Currently EPT players will NOT be able to enter Midranda server with their current game installation. PTP players who still have their original Priston Tale from the Philippines site will be able to connect Midranda server, but not connect to Awell or Valento.
Please also note that PTP accounts cannot access the SUBA Games website or forums yet. A small announcement on the forums will be made later when all accounts are officially ready. This does mean currently, players on Midrando server cannot purchase items from the Item Mall. PT Cash that PTP players had before will not appear on the Account page, until the account merge is fully complete for all users.
14 Jan 2009 Mirgation will take at least one more week.
08 Jan 2009 Double Experience Weekend. 9th Jan to 12th Jan 10 AM EST.
05 Jan 2009 Mirgation for PTP will be ready within a week.
03 Jan 2009 PTP players are still waiting for EPT to reopen their server.
27 Dec 2008 For the first time EPT got x4 experience event! (Even though its only a short 2 days.)
26 Dec 2008 Holiday Experience Event. Enjoy x4 experience event over the weekend starting on December 27 and ending on the silent night of December 28.
Right after the weekend, rates will continue on the following Monday December 29 with Double Experience until the afternoon of December 31 at 12 PM EST.
24 Dec 2008 Players of Priston Tale can participate in the Holiday Events beginning this week and running until January 5, 2009.
The Priston Tale Holiday Celebration will begin with the town decorations.Players will know Christmas is coming when Ricarten decorates their town with holiday spirit leading up to the Santa Goblins Event that begins on December 18th. These goblins know the spirit of Christmas better than any other monster. Be careful though!
They don't really like offering their gifts without first beating you up with their bag of toys! And, if you're naughty, they might just become meaner!
Even those who bring chaos to the continent of Priston like giving out presents! The Gift Box Event begins on December 23rd when all monsters in the game will have a chance to drop a Gift Box. Gift Boxes, when activated by the player, can change into random items including mana potions and cash shop items. In addition to those exciting events, players will also receive 10 firecrackers two days before Christmas (December 23).
19 Dec 2008 LetMeFly created her own clan, Elysium. Total 57 members up-to-date.
16 Dec 2008 Netplay will soon merge to EPT. Pinoy players may feel the pain in the huge prices increase of item mall items. Especially some items like copper ore is way too expensive making aging difficult.
Lets compare: 1php = 0.021 USD
20,000 EPT cash = 8.99 USD,
1 Netplay gem = 1 php
15 Dec 2008 Player,Jman36x notified that these 2 sites are fake. Account stealing and virus beware!
ept.cabanova.fr and pt2.cabanova.fr
Jman36x: Just wanted to warn anyone that may come across a noob who probably changes his name alot who trys to your account info using a fake PT website. When I saw him his name was "jewel" and he first asked me if I played Pt2, then asked my lvl which is 90, then gave me 2 websites one was ept.cabanova.fr and the other was pt2.cabanova.fr. I believe he's targeting anyone 9x or above from the look of the website.
11 Dec 2008 Valento's new server BETA is now opened!
09 Dec 2008 Item mall will have higher Forces set coming soon. Players will be able to blast more damages with more powerful forces!
08 Dec 2008 Apology to Ichigosama. He is still alive, not banned.
05 Dec 2008 Valento will be receiving a second subserver to accommodate its growing population. This new subserver will go online after Tuesday's maintenance, just in time for the beginning of Christmas events in Priston Tale!
04 Dec 2008 The 2 top clan leaders birdy and Ichigosama had been ban. Which clan will rise now?
26 Nov 2008 Thanksgivings Double Experience starts today! Ends on 30 Nov 2008 for both Valento and Awell servers.
This year we're having Thanksgivings in PT at this time. Thanksgivings is often considered as the start of the holiday season. Though its no holiday for us when we have big plans for Priston Tale in the future! We didn't have enough time to bake a million turkeys... so we'll be having a double experience Thanksgivings event instead ^^;
During this event, new Hellspawns are added. Depending on their effectiveness these changes may or may not stay after the event. Refer picture below for the new Hellspawns.
25 Nov 2008 Priston Tale2 will released on February 2009, in 4 different languages, English, French, German and Spanish.
23 Nov 2008 Update section on monster bosses.
20 Nov 2008 Server Restart at 2 PM EST today.
The changes will only be on the server end, so there will be no update. The updated server will perform as usual with only minor tweaks, so we potentially could still be seeing more downtime happening. Some of these changes on our end include detailed error logs which will now be produced if a server crash happens. Hopefully these will help us in finding the source of the problem sooner.
The servers will be open again in 10 to 30 minutes after the restarted.
17 Nov 2008 Warning to all players who want to take risk in aging.
10 Nov 2008 Updated our Clans database!
01 Nov 2008 Suba Games will be welcoming the Priston Tale Philippines (PTP) Server to join our massive existing community. The Philippines Server will begin its migration to Suba Games at the beginning of next year, 2009.
31 Oct 2008 Halloween Event is on now! Ends on November 7, 2008.
Event 1:
Pumpkin Candy
Use pumpkin candy dropped from monsters to obtain special items for this event!
Right click on candy in your inventory to reveal the item inside.
Possible items include:
• Gold Package (3 hours)
• Silver Package (3 hours)
• Mana Recharging Potion (3 hours)
• Vampiric Cuspid (3 hours)
• Sheltom Forces
• Teleport Cores
• Mana Potions
• Skeleton, Chaos, and Inferna Crystals
Event 2
Undead Raising (only during the weekend)
During the weekend of Halloween:
Ghosts, Skeletons and other undead creatures will appear on irregular maps. No one is safe!
In high level maps starting from the Railroad of Chaos, Mini Dark Specters will wonder throughout.
Event 3
Halloween Package
A new Halloween Package will be added to the item shop. The package includes 5 random items and a 10% chance to receive a 6th item. It is priced at 2900 PT Cash.
First random item: Receive either Vampiric Cuspid (3 hours), or Mana Recharging Potion (3 hours).
Second random item: Receive either a Rebirth Scroll, or Third Eyes (1 day).
Third random item: Receive 5 of either Chaos Crystals, or Skeleton Crystals.
Fourth random item: Receive either a Firecracker or 5 Teleport Cores.
Fifth random item: Receive 5 of either Transporo Forces, Radient Forces, Murky Forces, or Devine Forces.
Sixth random bonus item: 10% chance to receive either a Phoenix Pet (3 hours), or Aging Stone.
Event 4
Party Costume Sale
All Awesome/Beautiful Party Costumes (7 day) are reduced from 2000 cash to 1000 cash.
All Awesome /Beautiful Party Costumes (30 days) are reduced from 7000 cash to 5000 cash.
30 Oct 2008 Phoneix Pet is ok now. Players can purchase them at item mall.
24 Oct 2008 Early Double Experience Weekend! At 5 PM (GMT-5:00) today, October 24, double experience will be activated on Awell and Valento. Double experience will end on Monday morning.
Please note that data centres will be having maintenance this Sunday. Servers will continue to operate, but there can still be a small chance for the external connection to be dropped.
23 Oct 2008 Players using window mode can now take screenshots easily by pressing the "PRINT SCREEN" button for BMP quality.
21 Oct 2008 Window mode is out! Players now can dual client (if your PC dont lag). Go to settings and disable "full mode"
21 Oct 2008 If you encounter problem during login "version does not match", go to download patch from EPT website and patch manually.
19 Oct 2008 IchigoSama, ex Equilibrium clan's leader, created a new clan Adr3naLine. Clan chief is under EverDiE. Current members are croc76, eikichi, Onizuka, theguet, blacklisted.
16 Oct 2008 Weekly maintenance is scheduled at 9:30 AM EST every Tuesday, instead of thurs now.
12 Oct 2008 Some updates in EPT cash shop prices.
Mana Recharging Potion was previously sold in potions by 15 minutes and 30 minutes. This has been changed to 3 hours and 1 day (1 piece) for the same price.
Teleport Core previously was priced incorrectly. 1000 cash for 1 pieces is now correct.
11 Oct 2008 Updated clan list database! Check out the newest and hottest clan now! Will DBOY new clan be the next top clan?
09 Oct 2008 Players that need help in support DO NOT report the same issue repeatedly. Or else face 3 days ban or, confiscate of items.
Quoted from GM Peter:
We're overwhelmed by the amount of redundant requests for support at this moment. Please know that with Suba Games we will eventually get to you. However the problems we had earlier has held us back from answering within 24 hours. So please be patient with us. Very soon we will be banning accounts for 3 days that continue to report the same problem again and again whether it be repeated in our support service, forums or by PM. Issues that have been reolved already yet reported again is abuse. Depending on what you repeatedly report, we may also remove your best weapon.
07 Oct 2008 GM Peter ban Jin's account with immediate effect until year 4008.
04 Oct 2008 The new time for Bless Castle for Valento and Awell is now:
Saturdays 11 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time (GMT -5:00)
03 Oct 2008 Wicked Interactive LTD EPT reopen. To celebrare the re-openning of Priston Tale, we will be holding a special event for 2 weeks, which includes double experience rates, mini monster event and finding Morif event.
01 Oct 2008 A new start of EPT govern by Wicked Interactive LTD. Check out their forum. Currently no data on SOD and Bless Castle scores.
30 Sept 2008 Yedang Online offically gave up EPT to Wicked Interactive LTD. EPT website is still http://eng.pristontale.com
27 Sept 2008 Infomation from Wicked Interactive LTD:
Please note that current players will not have to register again at Suba Games in order to continue playing Priston Tale. Accounts will be added to SubaGames.com and players will be able to resume play as usual. More details regarding this matter will be announced later.
26 Sept 2008 Yedang online is transferring EPT to Wicked Interactive LTD.
Starting from 30th of September, English Priston Tale will be serviced by the Canadian Company, Wicked Interactive LTD.
Before existing EPT player accounts get transferred, there will be no changes to any player accounts even after Wicked Interactive takes over.
No account and characters wipe.
Server closed time:9/30/2008 10am(GMT+9)
Server start time:reference to http://pt1.subagames.com
Japan Priston Tale will still be serviced by Yedang Online,
21 Sept 2008 Updated item lists. Items are categorize by level requirements. You will be able to see your next level gear all in one page. Pictures credits from pristonbe.
19 Sept 2008 Equilibrium clan disband.
08 Sept 2008 Current top SOD player, [MingWing], suspected of range hacking in SOD. View video.
03 Sept 2008 SOD hacker, IcePhoeniX, suspected of getting banned.
01 Sept 2008 woepsie's new clan OHxR3BIRTH have a growing 9x members by the day. Current members include dolu, vn_hello, [Sharky], King-solo, Aurawind, die-fish.
29 Aug 2008 Rumors that real EPT GMs appear in game with aged+14 lv10x items.
27 Aug 2008 Amended stat points in GUIDES section. Stat points are now correct.
25 Aug 2008 Fast victory fast lost! Xternal won back both SOD and Bless Castle from TwiSted
17 Aug 2008 Updated Clan section. Looking for a clan to join? Look for the popular ones in our clan section now :)
14 Aug 2008 Another Pikeman using range hack reported. Vnthankyou from DivineNature.
14 Aug 2008 Alpha Server is working fine now.
13 Aug 2008 Updated Level 100 players list! Check it out.
13 Aug 2008 Equilibrium lost SOD to TwiSted.
11 Aug 2008 - Xternal lost Bless Castle to TwiSted
07 Aug 2008 - GM's warning to all: We are aware of players climbing the walls in Bellatra. This has been deemed a bug and is expressly prohibited. Anyone caught climbing anywhere within Bellatra will be subject to a punishment ranging from account suspension to account termination for persistent offenders. Please do not climb in Bellatra, you have been warned.
06 Aug 2008 - Character "GAIENT" using hack in SOD exposed!
06 Aug 2008 - Updated Item mall section.
03 Aug 2008 - Google has unban EPT website as harmful website.
31 July 2008 - X2 EXP event is on, 31July to 7Aug.
29 July 2008 - Fast fixing by GM. The clan error is fixed. Players don`t need to leave their clan to log in game.
28 July 2008 - PT is down. Players get game.exe error at character selection screen and exit to desktop.
24 July 2008 - Xternal clan is predicted to close down soon. Top players from Xternal like birdy, Firror, hair[red] joined a new clan, TwiSted created by birdy.
23 July 2008 - WickedInteractiveLTD, a new company in North America announced that they will be taking over Priston Tale. Players can feedback to them in game problems so that they can solve it. http://wickedinteractiveltd.com
23 July 2008 - GM addresses to disconnect problem. Problem suspected due to hacker with power to disconnect players. Anyone found suspicious please report to GM.
22 July 2008 - Gamma server is bugged, players keep getting disconnected at Ricarten. Alpha and Beta servers are fine.
20 July 2008 - Updated Quests section. Tempskron and Morion job quests.
18 July 2008 - Updated Hairstyle section. Be sure to see before you buy!
16 July 2008 - Equilibrium clan gains ownership of SOD.
15 July 2008 - GM addresses to game start problem. Check details at EPT site.
10 July 2008 - Google regards EPT official website as unsafe and unharmful. You will not be able to enter the site via Google. To enter EPT site, copy and paste the url.
08 July 2008 - Alpha server is bugged with exp problem. Players do not get any exp playing in Alpha. Beta and Gamma servers are fine.
30 June 2008 - GM addresses to Alpha server problem. Currently still fixing.
20 June 2008 - Alpha server is bugged, players keep getting disconnected. Beta and Gamma servers are fine.
Elite Priston Tale
ReplyDeleteInformações do Servidor:
- 250x EXP
- Gold Custom
- Drops Custom
Inicia level 80 criado no painel.
Level Fixado em 175.
Level do maior set atual: 130
Phoenix Pet / Pedras para maturar Aging
Age +20 sem falhas
Itens 1OOa 1OOb 1O5a 1O5b 1O5c 11Oa 11Ob e 115 e 130
Eventos exclusivos
Moobs Inéditos
Servidor com uma equipe competente.
7 Novos Mapas
SOD 24Horas sem BUG
Bless Castle 1OO% Todos os sábados as 17:OO horas.
Item Shop Automático com preços acessíveis.
Itens Balanceados para que exista um equilíbrio de classes.
Mix personalizado para equilíbrio de classe
Skills dos Personagens Personalizada para um UP nivelado entre as raças.
Limite de Gold: 500kk (Shop/Baú/Personagem).
Sem BUG de UP (DC4 ou 2BI)
Atendimento de suporte personalizado e atendido no mesmo dia do ocorrido.
Level em party oculto (Exemplo: 10x)
Evento Logado Premiado, com prêmios.
E muito mais, apenas conferindo!
Sit~> http://www.elitejogosonline.com/pristonup/infos.php
Thaanks for writing this